August 18, 2009

Aboriginal Stories

The Old Man with the Otter Medicine
by John Blondin

It is winter and the people are worried because there is no fish. They ask the medicine man for help. Written in English and Dogrib. The accompanying CD allows readers to hear the legend as well. For ages 3-5.

by Raquel Rivera

Tuk, a young Inuit boy, is excited when a giant sailing ship, bringing mysterious strangers, arrives on Baffin Island. The strangers are tall and pale and they bring amazing gifts. They also want to hunt whales. But are they friends or enemies? This simply told story raises interesting questions regarding whaling practices, communication between cultures, and possible problems to come. For ages 5-7.

by Armstrong Sperry

Determined to conquer his fear of the sea, Mafatu takes a canoe and strikes out on his own, with a dog as his only companion. A storm at sea is his first challenge. Landing on a desert island, the days that follow tests his resourcefulness and determination. With tautly written prose, Sperry allows the reader to experience Mafatu's growing confidence and courage. A battle with an octopus and an exciting pursuit by the eaters-of-men are among the story's highlights. For ages 7 - 10.

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