August 25, 2011

Boynton books make great apps

Sandra Boynton's books are filled with movement and music, making them ideally suited for apps. 

In Blue Hat, Green Hat, meet an error-prone turkey, who can't quite get the hang of putting on clothes. While the other animals wear their hats, shirts, pants and socks the usual way, the turkey's got his shirt around his waist, his pants on his head and his socks on his wings. Every OOPS! contains a surprise, like sending clothes flying or making the turkey walk on his head. Letting the rain fall for long enough causes a flood, the animals can be walked off the page, and you can undress and dress the turkey. It ends with a refreshing dip in the pool. Guaranteed to make you laugh!

Other Boynton apps: The Going to Bed Book, and Moo, Baa, La La La (both reviewed in an earlier posting)

Coming soon: Barnyard Dance! (definitely a must-buy!)

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